Element 115
Element 115 is the substance that should appear as number 115 in the Periodic Table.
This substance has yet to be created on Earth.
This is the substance that Robert Lazer allegedly came into contact with while working
on recovered UFO's at Area 51 in Nevada. It apparently is used as part of the UFO propulsion system and
is used to generate 'anti-gravity'.
Lazar claims, Element 115, when modified a certain
way by different combinations of protons, neutrons, and electrons, will
produce a stable form of itself. This combination releases a larger
and more powerful gravitational field than most elements. This
gravitational force is not like that which holds us to the earth and all
the planets in orbit. Rather, it produces a field of the kind that holds
atoms together. I'm not really sure how it is done, but somehow they
manifest this gravitational field
to 'bend' and 'fold' the space-time continuum and travel in a non-linear
fashion. This process would most closely relate to the 'warp'
capabilities in the star trek series whereas the craft really stays
still, but merely 'pulls' space around it. this method of propulsion
corresponds clearly with Einstein's theories regarding space-time. This
is also a good explanation for UFO 'witnesses' claiming the
crafts hovering, then suddenly 'jumping' away at a tremendous speed, or
disappearing altogether.
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